Commitment To Professional Services The Environment And TechnologyEnviromental Friendly Products arch

Over 40 years experience in the automotive chemical field.


Annoying check engine light problems? Give yourself a fair chance. IF NO RESULTS (very rare) is simple as "NO CHARGE!"

FACT: Build up and deposits take place under normal driving conditions in all vehicles that utilizes fluids (which they all do still! )

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Our Products Offer Enormous Relief Regarding Vehicle Operating Costs!

These high quality product’s successfully marketed on a world wide scale. You will only find EVIRO-TEK high quality products through the skilled distribution network. E.g.  A respective geographical area representative's and their repair shops. (More info via email submitted above!)

EnviroTek Pro dot com's purpose is to educate the consumer (meaning you!). This also leads to opportunities as the increase of the product on demand.

All info will be communicated via registered email above!